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Deb from Australian Wildlife Rescue Service dropped in to place her vote with “ Ziggy” an Agile Wallaby. These are beautiful creatures, thanks for looking after these guys Deb. These guys are looking for volunteers so let us know. See MoreSee Less
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Today I Spoke With Loraine who fought her speeding tickets and WON! If re-elected Myself and the KAP will aim to BAN these cameras! Be sure to watch the video below ⬇️ See MoreSee Less
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The Necessity of Coal to QueenslandCoal accounts for 70 percent of the total value of Queensland’s resource exports.70 percent!!So when politicians talk about the strength of Queensland’s ‘resource sector’, what they are ACTUALLY talking about, is the strength of the state’s Coal Sector.Without a strong and healthy Coal industry, what will be left, capable of driving real growth and productivity in Queensland?Or of funding all those hospitals, highways, schools and giant sports stadiums, Labor has promised Queenslanders?The state’s economy RELIES on a strong coal sector.And the ongoing stregth of our coal sector, depends on keeping Queensland’s coal mines attractive for investment in the development of NEW mines.Secondary sales of existing mines create no new jobs, and as these mines increase in cost and regulatory burdens, they will soon start closing more rapidly.Today, there is a failure on the part of our political elites, to appreciate the central importance Coal plays in the Queensland economy.And when I say CENTRAL, I mean absolutely CRUCIAL.No other sector has done what Coal has done, for the citizens and governments of this state.In terms of improving Queenslanders’ lives, keeping Queenslanders in jobs and supporting Queensland communities, NOTHING else even comes close to it.A refusal to recognize this, puts the viability of coal in Queensland at risk.Worse, it puts the economic well-being of ordinary Queenslanders at risk.Just ask your superannuation fund manager, if you don’t believe me.Coal companies make up a large chunk of the Superannuation industry’s investments.A hit to coal will be a hit to the hip-pocket of everyday people’s retirement nest eggs.It’s important that everyone understands what’s at stake here.It’s all very well to say ‘tax the rich’ and ‘Down with Coal’, when you have a ‘BACK-UP’ PLAN. But we don’t! Any chance of a ‘back up plan’ was killed off by the globalisation policies and secretive trade deals, pushed by BOTH major parties, over the last thirty or so years.That boat has sailed.Now, Queensland’s political elites are preparing to kill off the one thing we have left – COAL. Once it’s gone, there will be NOTHING, bar foreign borrowings and money-printing by the Commonwealth, to replace it with.Good Luck with building your Giant Steel Turbines and Green Energy Revolution THEN! See MoreSee Less
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What is this about?Any 'faith based' organisations planning to vote for the LNP on the 26th, should take a look at One Nation's Kylee Stanton's sharing of a post that Senator Malcolm Roberts' put up on 6 October 2024. Strangely, the original post appears to have been removed from Roberts' page. It would be interesting to know why. Perhaps having the 'courage to always publicly support God' failed him. See MoreSee Less
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