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What we are about Day 2 and who is responsible for our future.It has begun.Spoken by Stephen Andrew, authorised by S Major Katter Australia Party. See MoreSee Less
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It’s Official! Toobeah Residents have lost their Town CommonsThe tiny town of Toobeah is officially under new management.A fresh Title Search today revealed that the Town’s recreational reserve, roughly 95.5 percent of the town’s land, has now been registered in the name of its new freehold owners, the Brisbane-based Bigambul Aboriginal Corporation.Registration went through on 10 October 2024, with the land held as 'Estate in Fee Simple’. There is also an Easement registered to the Goondiwindi Regional Council on the Title, which allows its officers to access the town’s water supply for maintenance.It’s a very disappointing conclusion for the townspeople of Toobeah, who have put up a brave fight to save their ‘Town Commons’.Toobeah’s publican, Michael Offerdahl, especially, has fought long and hard to raise people’s awareness of his town’s predicament.My best wishes go to Michael and all the other business owners and residents of Toobeah, who will be feeling pretty gutted by this news.It was always a ‘big ask’, however, given the Toobeah community only learnt about the Council and Government’s plans, long after the whole thing had already become a ‘fait accompli’.That’s how the so-called ‘community consultation’ process now works in Queensland!!Toobeah is just the ‘first cab off the rank’ when it comes to this plan to transfer all of our Crown lands, along with our national and state parks, into the hands of a select group of Private Corporations, around which there is ZERO transparency and ZERO accountability.Traditionally, Queensland’s Crown lands have always been open for all citizens to access, use and enjoy. It’s known as the democratic right of ‘presumptive use’.By transferring these lands into the hands of privately held and shadowy corporations, these ‘presumptive use’ rights will be eliminated, and replaced with a new ‘permissive use’ model.In other words, Toobeah residents will now need to ask ‘permission’ of the Bigambul Corporation in order to access and use the lands that they once used freely.Even worse, the Corporation can now charge them a ‘fee’ or ‘land rent’ in exchange for providing that access and use.Brings a whole new light to the Greens’ catchcry of ‘Pay your Rent Queensland!’, doesn’t it?The Corporation can also dictate the ‘terms and conditions’ around the land's use, including restrictions on access to certain areas and prohibiting certain activities, such as fishing, camping and photography.Access can even be refused altogether.Let every town and citizen in Queensland be warned. Toobeah is just the beginning of what may be in store, when it comes to the State's ongoing ‘Path to Treaty’ agenda. See MoreSee Less
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It has begun.Spoken by Stephen Andrew, authorised by S Major Katter Australia Party. See MoreSee Less
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This is not on. See MoreSee Less
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