Estimate Hearings- Commonwealth grant revenue

CHAIR: I will now turn to the member for Mirani.
Mr ANDREW: Treasurer, we were talking about private-public partnerships. Could the Treasurer
please point out where the leasing payments and other net cash outflows for the current PPPs are
disclosed in the Queensland budget?
Mr DICK: On a specific matter like that, I am happy to take the advice of Treasury and come
back to the committee and the member for Mirani by the end of the hearing today.
CHAIR: Just to clarify, public-private partnerships are often conducted department by
department. Is there a particular—
Mr ANDREW: It is just a general question about where any of it is shown in the budget. That is
all I was after.
CHAIR: Certainly. The Treasurer has made a—
Mr DICK: I will provide a clarifying statement or information as required before the end of the
Mr ANDREW: Thank you. I have another question of the Treasurer. In relation to
intergovernmental agreements, what proportion of Commonwealth grant revenue is paid by way of tied
grant payments and what impact does this have on determining which projects, programs and
legislation are implemented on the ground here in Queensland? What percentage would that be?
CHAIR: Just to clarify, I think you said we are the postbox constitutionally for payments through
to local governments. You are not referring to those? You are talking about specific—Mr ANDREW: Page 5 of the SDS talks about Treasury’s role in engaging with interjurisdictional
policy matters through the National Cabinet. I am asking what Commonwealth grant revenue is paid by
way of tied grant payments and what impact this has on determining which projects, programs and
legislation are implemented on the ground here in Queensland through that process?
Mr DICK: I would refer the honourable member to Budget Paper 2, chapter 7, pages 151 to 164
which contains financial information in relation to intergovernmental financial relations—the member for
Mirani will find that of interest—and the report on state finances. That includes public-private partnership
lease payments. That is an annual report that I table in the parliament. That is another document that I
would refer the honourable gentleman to.
Mr ANDREW: Thank you, Treasurer.
CHAIR: I turn now to the member for Toowoomba South.
Mr JANETZKI: My question is to the Under Treasurer.
Mr ANDREW: Sorry, but we did not get to the actual question about the intergovernmental
agreements and the tied grants.
Mr DICK: Sorry; that is chapter 7 of Budget Paper 2.
Mr ANDREW: I am trying to ask how much impact it has in determining which projects, programs
and legislation are implemented on the ground here in Queensland.
Mr DICK: I will come back to you with any further information that is not readily available in that
Mr ANDREW: Okay; thank you.


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