Question to the Premier- Exclusive use Native Title claims

Mr ANDREW: I have a couple of questions. With reference to the department’s commitment on
page 1 of the SDS to protecting our Queensland lifestyle, will the Premier provide the names of the 15
Queensland towns currently subject to exclusive use native title claims over their council lands? People
do not understand how this defines their association with these claims going forward. Could you please
explain that to us?
CHAIR: Premier, did you get the detail of the question? You seem to have a quizzical look.
Mr MILES: I think I broadly understand where the member for Mirani is trying to get to. I
understand that at different stages of those legal processes some information is public and some
information is not. Let me try to identify what information is able to be made public about those.
I would just speak generally about what has been a bit of a misinformation campaign about native
title and its impacts. The identification of native title holders has no impact on private properties and is
simply the legal recognition of which group of traditional owners should be recognised for specific lands.
I do know that there is a bit of a campaign going around to try to muddy the waters of that, but I think it
is best that we are honest about what these things mean. I will see if I can get some more information
for you otherwise.
Mr ANDREW: Would you take that on notice, then?
CHAIR: Premier, is this something you would take on notice, is it something you wanted to get
back directly to the member or is it something you can get back to us during this session?
Mr MILES: We will try to get back during the session. Without knowing the specific 15 that he is
referring to, it is probable that because of the court process I might not have access to them, but if I do
I am certainly happy to table them.


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