Will Timber from Renewable projects be wasted? Mr ANDREW: Platypus Timbers, Smith Sawmills, O’Brien’s Saw Mill, Nebo sawmills—what option and what access do sawmillers have to any of the thousands of hectares of renewable timberbeing cleared right now? What has this department done to give these […]
Promoting Industrial Growth and Support for Local Councils in QLD Mr ANDREW: Minister, with reference to page 2 of the SDS and the key deliverable of promoting industrial growth, will the minister advise what the government is doing to support industrial growth in the regions, particularly […]
Red tape on the state’s building and construction industry Mr ANDREW: Can the minister please advise what steps the department has taken over the last year to address the productivity-destroying burden of red and green tape on the state’s building and construction industry? Ms SCANLON: I […]
Creating Livable Communities Mr ANDREW: Thank you, Chair.Mr BROWN: Point of order, Chair: this is the second time the member for Mirani has reflected on the chair. CHAIR: I was ignoring him. Mr HART: He just said ‘thank you’, Chair. Mr ANDREW: I said ‘thank you’, […]