Babies Born Alive Survey

5.4.3     Born with signs of life

Live birth following a termination of pregnancy is an uncommon outcome. If a baby is born with signs of life, provide care appropriate to the individual clinical circumstances and in accordance with best practice guidelines.

According to data from Queensland Health, almost one baby per week is born alive in Queensland after an abortion procedure. A recent Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry has revealed babies surviving up to five hours without medical care.

Make sure to complete the Survey below ⬇️



34 Responses

      • Exactly – so inhumane and a disgusting disregard for life. The line keeps shifting for those who support abortion. First they try to convince us early abortion is merely cells…. Suddenly it’s now ok to kill viable, fully developed babies …. I am sickened

        • This is against the Bible. This is an act of the evil one. How can one let a baby die. This is so inhumane.

  1. As a midwife myself I know babies are born alive any it can be from minutes to hours that they live in pain and this needs to change. Additionally, more and more late term terminations are being done for social reasons at the same gestations of many babies I’ve helped deliver and looked after.

  2. Education and birth control is cheaper and safer than an abortion. Why does a mother who has the ability to prevent a pregnancy have more rights than a baby who is innocent but can still feel pain of death.

    • Doctors promise to do no harm well murder is the ultimate harm. How do they live with themselves?

  3. Each baby born alive is a true miracle of God! And should be treated as they are! A living being! To do nothing to to comit murder and an utter discrase by anyone who sits by to let such an innocent live suffer and die. These miracle baby’s would change the lives of hundreds of couples that can not have children of their own but willing to nurture those that are not wanted by their own parents with no cost to The mothers trying to get rid of them. It is pure evil that humans are willing to let innocent Children die at a another humans request just because she doesn’t wasnt the responsibility her actions. Each child is precious regardless of where and who they come from or how they are born. They are born and to do nothing is to kill them.

  4. The adoption process needs to be made easier for pregnant women to give up their children. It should be easier to put up your unborn child for adoption than to have an abortion. The one preserves life the other kills.

  5. A mother/parent who authorizes the abortion of a pregnancy should not have the right to dictate the outcome of the baby born alive as they have abandoned all rights to the child.
    An abandoned living baby born as a result of abortion is akin to an abandoned baby left at a church/orphanage door where care and dignity of life is upheld. Aren’t medical facilities where care and dignity of life are also upheld?

    • So many people who want to be parents and aren’t able to conceive, would love the opportunity to adopt a new born. These are mini people that need us to fight for them.

  6. Tell the young the difference between HUMAN MATING and SEX.
    No other blood animal mates out of season and they know nothing about sex.

  7. Please make the changes quickly, to help these babies who are living, breathing, Australian citizens.

  8. As Senator Roberts has said “this is murder why don’t the police do their job”.

  9. If the issue really was about a ‘woman’s body’ we would be suggesting that for a period of months a woman had two hearts, two brains, four kidneys, two livers, two nervous systems etc. Clearly this is nonsense bordering on insanity. It is not a woman’s body, it is the body of a baby growing inside the woman, a baby guilty of nothing but existence and condemned to die because it is an inconvenience. Exceptions exist, rarely, but for the most part it is discriminate killing of human life submerged under a muddy blanket of euphemisms.

  10. The measure of a society is determined by the way it treats its most vulnerable citizens.

  11. How did our society get to this point, to deny a living breathing baby the same care we would give to any other human?

  12. A baby is a human being and should have full human rights no matter what the circumstances of its birth. Society is going downhill fast when it cannot and will not look after its most vulnerable.

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