Progressive Coal Royalties Protection Bill 2024 Mr ANDREW: I rise to speak on the progressive coal royalties protection bill 2024. The bill amends the Mineral Resources Act 1989 by introducing a coal royalty floor rate that will prevent the state’s progressive coal royalty rates being lowered […]
57th Parliament Adjournment Speech Mr ANDREW: This is my last adjournment speech for the 57th Parliament. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge some of the people and the organisations who have supported me over the past four years and to thank them for […]
COVID-19 Response Review Mr ANDREW: I start by thanking the member for Noosa for moving this incredibly important motion today. It is a motion I welcome and strongly support. The COVID-19 pandemic was a time of great upheaval and uncertainty that impacted every facet of Queenslanders’lives. […]
Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Amendment Bill Mr ANDREW: I rise to speak on the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Amendment Bill. The bill amends the Forestry Act 1959, the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000, the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 and the Tobacco and […]