Promoting Industrial Growth and Support for Local Councils in QLD

Mr ANDREW: Minister, with reference to page 2 of the SDS and the key deliverable of promoting
industrial growth, will the minister advise what the government is doing to support industrial growth in
the regions, particularly those around Mackay and Central Queensland?
Mr BUTCHER: I thank the member for the question. As the member knows, I am a huge advocate
for regional communities and industrial growth—I live in one of the biggest industrial cities in Australia
in Gladstone—which can be seen in the support we are continuing to give to those industries moving
forward particularly, as I have just mentioned, the Energy and Jobs Plan. We know that a lot of those
large industries are looking for that support and part of the plan lets us do the work they are looking for.
That is to decarbonise a lot of them and also support new aspects like water that these industries are
going to need. That is why we delivered nearly a billion dollars on the Fitzroy to Gladstone pipeline to
help make sure that not only can industry continue but new industries can be created moving forward.
Particularly in the Mackay region, which as you know is also an industrial powerhouse, we are
supporting things like the resources centre that they have set up there. I know you are a big supporter
of that industry.
At the same time as developing and supporting industries in regional Queensland we are also
looking after our communities. Our Building Our Regions grants program is supporting councils which
can help them support their communities to attract industrial businesses to the region. As far as my
portfolios go, we will always support those regional communities, particularly with industrial support and
particularly large manufacturing support for those areas.
Mr ANDREW: Minister, I talked earlier with the other minister in the previous session about
renewables projects and being able to support and prop up councils like Livingstone Shire Council.
They have 1,200 people in Marlborough now. They have also had a lot of their property taken away
due to the federal government and the Army in the Shoalwater Bay exercise area. Would the
government look at getting these renewables projects or the people who are actually buying into them
to support these councils? Do you think you could look at trying to work with them to bolster those
smaller councils that are on the verge of being in bad situations financially?
Mr BUTCHER: I thank the member for the question. Obviously in my portfolio of regional
development we will always look after our regional communities, particularly our councils. That is why
we invested money into Building Our Regions, which allows councils to invest in the infrastructure they
need not only to do the water and wastewater projects but also to help them with new developments
which will allow people to move into those communities. What we are also doing in my portfolios in
relation to those communities in and around Livingstone, Rockhampton and those areas on the fringe
of your electorate are things like at Mount Morgan and our support of a pipeline to give that community
water for the first time ever.
Mr ANDREW: It is well received. Thank you, Minister.
Mr BUTCHER: Thank you for your support for that project. That is making sure that our
communities grow with the industries that are coming. The pressures are certainly there with the
extended growth into Queensland. The numbers of people moving to Queensland, as you would know,
are continuing to grow. Part of my portfolio is about making sure that that infrastructure is supported.
We will continue to do that right throughout the regional communities, not just in your electorate.
Mr ANDREW: Thank you very much


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