Plans for the Old Sarina Hospital

Mr ANDREW: Concerning the old Sarina Hospital site, the accommodation and what is there at
the moment, will we be repurposing that to house some people? I have a real concern in that I want to
try to retain teachers. We have 13-odd vacancies for teachers in the high school but no accommodation.
Ms FENTIMAN: Again, a great question. I was really pleased to open the beautiful new Sarina
Hospital, which was an election commitment. The team up there are fantastic. Queensland Health will
utilise the old site for some of those older patients. We will be utilising the site ourselves as Queensland
Health to house longer stay patients. The old hospital will be utilised for patients waiting for aged-care
or NDIS plans. There is a bit of work happening there now to make that suitable.
Mr ANDREW: With regard to the nurses’ quarters up the back that are still there, probably vacant
to this day, is there an opportunity to work together with the education department to get something for the time being?
Ms FENTIMAN: I am happy to get some advice on that and come back to you at the end of the
session about what we are considering for the nurses’ quarters. I am very happy to work with you on


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