57th Parliament Adjournment Speech

Mr ANDREW: This is my last adjournment speech for the 57th
Parliament. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge some of the people and the
organisations who have supported me over the past four years and to thank them for their support. Not
a single day goes by when I do not count my blessings for having been given the huge honour of serving
the wonderful people of Mirani.
During my second term, I have worked with many amazing individuals, groups and
organisations—all striving to make our community an even better place to live. I would like to say thank
you to all of Mirani’s wonderful service clubs like the Mackay and Pioneer Valley RSL subbranches,
Meals on Wheels, the Sarina Country Women’s Association and the Valley Country Women’s
Association, dozens of progress associations, historical societies, sporting groups, rural fire brigades
and many other such groups. If I had the time, I would name and thank them all, but we would probably
be here all day, I reckon. However, I send a special shout-out to Triccy Triddy who is a good mate of
mine in the People’s Revolution, and to Tine McDonald, Lisa Hansen and Rhonda Marriage and the
World Wide Rally for Freedom of Mackay. They have provided me with enormous encouragement and
personal support during some pretty dark days in the state’s history.
The job of working for a lone crossbench member of parliament is a pretty tough gig so a big
‘thanks’ must go to all the members of my electorate staff, Jannean, Josh and Dana, who are watching
today from Sarina and Mount Morgan. Thanks also to my parliamentary staff, John and Trish, who have
supported me throughout my second term in parliament. John will turn 85 in the next two months. He
has been here with me every day—two hours out from Gatton. I love him very dearly. To my wife, Kym,
my children, Jorja and Kyrah, and my mum and dad: I thank you for your ongoing support and for all
the sacrifices you have made that allow me to do this job.
Finally, I want to acknowledge and thank the people of Mirani who had the faith to put me into
this place, twice now. Mirani is the best electorate in Queensland and I love it. My people are always
there for me. I am very humbled by the extraordinary support I have enjoyed from many people over
the past seven years. Politics was not a career path that I had ever considered so you can imagine my
surprise when I was first elected. I love you all. Thank you for always backing me. I also thank all the
staff at parliament who have always backed me as well.



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